- snowball maker: This tool is pure genius. It makes perfectly round snowballs in just minutes. It makes loading up your snow bunker with snowballs super quick and easy.
- Ice block maker: WOW! Build yourself your own snow igloo with one of these. Makes perfect blocks of snow. It's like building with real live snow legos. Especially helpful when waging a snowball war!
- Snow color: This you can whip up in your kitchen in no time. Take a container - I like using old dishsoap bottles, water bottles, or spray bottles) mix water and food coloring. Get bundled up and watch your kids create masterpieces in the snow!
- Our number one favorite - Snow Football! Pick up a large chunkof snow and get passing, get tackling and start laughing!
Get bundled, Get out and start having fun!
I found your blog through the WAHM forum...great ideas. I think everyone should get out and play with their kids as often as they can!